Quick Details

Project Sidekick was created by the Human Interfaces Group at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This team was dedicated to creating new applications for the Microsoft Hololens, which was shipped up to the International Space Station for astronaut use.

  • Role: Animation and Computer Science Intern
  • Hardware: Microsoft Hololens
  • Languages: C#
  • Platforms: Unity
  • Time Frame: May-Aug 2015
  • Teammates: Victor Luo, Zachary Sherin


For this project I was a prototyper as well as a user experience designer.

  • Designed and implemented animation controls for holographic user interfaces using C# and Unity.
  • Modeled and developed animations for 3D holographic overlay with the Microsoft Hololens using Autodesk Maya and Unity.
  • Developed software and ran user tests for applications intended for use on the International Space Station
  • Outcome & Skills Learned

    The Microsoft Hololens Headsets as well as the Sidekick Application were successfully devlivered to the ISS on ____. The project recieved much support from the public, as well as from the astronauts themselves! It was incredible to learn about the astronaut's work schedule as well as the safety procedures they must adhere to. This project was my first opportunity to put myself in someone else's shoes as a user experience designer.

    Technology premiere marketing video, released at Oculus Connect 6